Logo Branding

Happa Studio, 2022

Logo Design Brief:


We are seeking a logo design for our brand, Medical Equipment & Systems. Our mission is to provide the latest high-tech medical equipment to doctors and hospitals in Pakistan. We aim to be reliable partners in the medical field, offering trustworthy products and fast service. To communicate our brand effectively, we want the logo to convey three key messages: first, that we provide high-tech medical equipment; second, that we are a technology company at the forefront of advancements in the field; and third, that we prioritize delivering the best after-sales service in Pakistan.


In terms of aesthetics, we envision the logo to primarily feature the color blue, representing trust, reliability, and professionalism. While we don’t have specific requirements for additional colors, we are open to complementary options that enhance the overall design. We prefer a modern and sophisticated style, reflecting our commitment to staying ahead in the ever-evolving medical industry. The logo should have a mature and masculine appeal, catering to our target audience of doctors and hospitals. We lean towards a more literal representation rather than abstract or overly playful designs, given the nature of our business.

As for inspiration, we would appreciate if you could attach any brand logos that you admire to help us better understand your design preferences. This will assist us in creating a logo that aligns with your vision. Ultimately, we want the logo to reflect our long-standing presence in the medical equipment supply industry in Pakistan. The name, Medical Equipment & Systems, holds significance as it conveys our background and expertise in this field.


Please utilize this design brief as a guide to develop a logo that effectively represents the Medical Equipment & Systems brand. We look forward to seeing your creative interpretation, capturing our mission, messages, and desired aesthetic to make a lasting impact in the medical community.